DevOps Track – Microsoft Professional Program

Microsoft DevOps Track

To support companies to be more agile, the lines between development and operations are becoming increasingly blurred. Through continuous integration and deployment, you will learn how to react to changing market conditions.

Change your world with DataChangers and start with the Microsoft DevOps Track! With these online courses it is possible to start a course wherever and whenever you want. All the courses are part of the Microsoft Professional Program.

The Microsoft DevOps Track exists of 8 steps to learn the basic skills of DevOps. DevOps is the union of people, process, and products to enable continuous delivery of value to end users. Learn about continuous integration and deployment, infrastructure as code, testing, databases, containers, and application monitoring: skills necessary for a DevOps culture in your workplace.

You don’t have to follow them in the specific order, but some courses are related. For every course you can obtain an official Microsoft Professional Program certificate, issued by Microsoft, for which you can buy a voucher from us (in collaboration with MD2C). All you need is your Windows LiveID to register with on the DataChangers Academy, and you will be ready to start your journey!

Steps of the DevOps Track

  1. Introduction to DevOps Practices
  2. Infrastructure as Code
  3. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment
  4. Configuration Management for Containerized Delivery
  5. DevOps Testing
  6. DevOps for Databases
  7. Application Monitoring and Feedback Loops
  8. DevOps for Mobile Apps or Architecting Distributed Cloud Applications
  9. Microsoft Professional Capstone: DevOps (coming soon)

Explore the DataChangers DevOps Courses

Introduction to DevOps PracticesIntroduction to DevOps Practices

This Introduction to DevOps Practices course gives you an introduction to the core values, principles and practices involved in implementing DevOps environments and solutions.

About This Course

This course provides the fundamental concepts to prepare you for deeper dives into specific DevOps practices.

We will cover deploying and configuring standardized infrastructure, automating builds and deployments using continuous integration and continuous deployment with Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) and automating testing before release and whilst in production.

The course will also cover continuous learning from production, and how to improve and scale business results based on application monitoring.

After completing this course, you should be able to understand how to begin crafting a release pipeline that includes continuous integration techniques, continuous testing practices, monitoring, treating infrastructure and configuration as code, and deploying frequently and automatically.

It is intended for both Development and Operations professionals, who are interested in learning and adopting DevOps practices.

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Microsoft Professional Program - Infrastructure as Code

Infrastructure as Code

This Infrastructure as Code course provides knowledge and skills for automating infrastructure deployment and configuration, by representing your environments as code.

About This Course

In this course, you will gain the knowledge and skills to be able to deliver stable environments rapidly, reliably and at scale, avoiding manual configuration of environments and enforcing consistency, by representing your environments as code.

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Microsoft Professional Program - Continuous Integration and Continous Deployment

Continuous Integration and Continous Deployment

This Continuous Integration and Continous Deployment course wll teach you how to implement the DevOps practices of Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment with Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) and Microsoft Azure.

About This Course

This course provides knowledge and skills to implement the DevOps practices of Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment with Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) and Microsoft Azure.

The course will provide knowledge of continuous integration builds, automated testing and continuous delivery and deployment build, test, and release to the next level by understanding how they function within a DevOps development environment.

The course will also cover how VSTS integrates with third party and OSS tools, such as Git and Jenkins.

The course is intended for IT Professionals who are interested in crossing over into development territory towards the goal of establishing a DevOps culture, and Developers who want to learn more about the development processes of DevOps in order to extend upon Agile processes for rapid delivery.

Students curious about DevOps practices as a culture shift, but do not have extensive experience with VSTS or Microsoft Azure, should be able to follow the procedural and expository explanations of continuous integration and continuous delivery.

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Microsoft Professional Program - Configuration Management for Containerized Delivery

Configuration Management for Containerized Delivery

With this Configuration Management for Containerized Delivery course you will gain the skills and knowledge to create, deliver and configure containerized applications in DevOps environments.

About This Course

Containers can run on your local machine but the real power lies in the fact that these exact same containers can also run in production, giving you a very nice and consistent way of bringing software to production.

In production environments containers run on a set of machines managed by cluster orchestration software, and this course will show you how you can create, deploy and configure your containerized applications on Microsoft Azure using Azure Container Service (ACS) and Azure Service Fabric (ASF).

The course will cover management and operation of your container cluster, teaching how to configure the cluster, and how to manage them so that you have constant insights into how your application is doing in production, and how you can scale up and down based on demand, and deploy containers without having any downtime.

You will learn how a cluster works, how to set it up and how you can manage your production environments. Then you will learn how to deploy your containers in a cluster using continuous delivery infrastructure like Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS).

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Microsoft Professional Program - DevOps Testing

DevOps Testing

This DevOps Testing course provides you with an overview of core testing concepts and best practices and guides you to implementing various testing types in DevOps environments.

About This Course

In this course, you will learn about different test types, usage scenarios and the benefits of a Test-Driven development approach.

We will cover best practices around the usage of Unit, API (Integration), Performance, Functional, Acceptance, Automated (Coded) UI and Exploratory testing.

You will learn how to create and analyze these tests using various tools such as Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS), Visual Studio, Application Insights and third-party frameworks such as Selenium

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Microsoft Professional Program - DevOps for Databases

DevOps for Databases

This DevOps for Databases course will teach you about the challenges and uncover the solutions for incorporating your database into a DevOps software development process.

About This Course

This course examines the challenges and solutions of incorporating your database into a DevOps software development process. This course will help you understand the challenges of working with various data stores while developing and changing your software at a rapid pace.

You will learn where and how databases can fit into DevOps processes.

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Microsoft Professional Program - Application Monitoring and Feedback Loops

Application Monitoring and Feedback Loops

This Application Monitoring and Feedback Loops course will teach you about general application monitoring and feedback loops practices and principles, to ensure your software applications perform in the expected manner and scope.

About This Course

This course will cover general application monitoring and feedback loop practices and principles, including different kinds of feedback. You will learn how feedback is used in different stages of the value stream, and its benefits. You will learn about the different kinds of telemetry, who can benefit from it and how it is used to collect data from monitoring.

You will be introduced to Application Performance Management, the monitoring and management of performance and availability of software applications.

We will also cover Health and Performance Monitoring with Application Insights, including which features it contains, how to use it to monitor your application availability, usage, and performance and diagnostics.

The course also covers Log Analytics, including Operations Management Suite (OMS) Log Analytics. It will cover how to set up and configure Log Analytics for data collection and how to use Log Analytics to search and analyze data. It also covers OMS solutions as well as how to configure visualizations and how to configure alerts.

Finally, the course will cover Third-Party Monitoring Tools, including New Relic, Loggly and Nagios Core.

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Microsoft Professional Program - DevOps for Mobile Apps

DevOps for Mobile Apps

This DevOps for Mobile Apps course will cover how to build, test, and deploy mobile apps in a DevOps environment using Visual Studio App Center (VSAC).

About this course

This course is part of the Microsoft Professional Program in DevOps.

Build, test, and deploy mobile apps in a DevOps environment using Visual Studio App Center (VSAC). In this course you will learn how to set up and manage multiple applications, organizations, testers, and teams using App Center Build, App Center Test, and App Center Distribute.

DevOps practices using VSAC help development teams keep builds and releases organized as they are distributed to collaborators, teams of testers, customer beta testers, all the way into app stores like Google Play and iTunes. This course covers the automation of time-consuming tasks such as builds and build signing within a streamlined workflow. Learn how to test on multiple physical devices by creating device sets and choosing from over twenty-five hundred devices and over four hundred configurations of iOS and Android versions

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Microsoft Professional Program - Architecting Distributed Cloud Applications

Architecting Distributed Cloud Applications

This technology agnostic course will provide you with knowledge and skills for architecting distributed cloud applications, taking DevOps practices and principles into consideration.

About this course

This course is part of the Microsoft Professional Program in DevOps.

This technology-agnostic course begins by explaining the benefits of distributed cloud applications with an emphasis on maintaining high-availability and scalability in a cost-effective way while also dealing with inevitable hardware and software failures.

The course also cover, Microservices and containers, Networking communication, Messaging communication, Versioning, upgrading and configuration, Data storage services and Disaster recovery.

This course is for anyone considering or actively working on a distributed cloud application. It is designed to provide you with a thorough understanding of these concepts, the various pros and cons of specific technologies, and the resilient patterns that are heavily used by distributed cloud applications. This knowledge will help you to easily build cost-efficient and fault-tolerant systems.

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Explore also our other tracks, like Data Science, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Administration, IT-Suport and Entry Level Software Development!